I'm going to a greek restaurant and don't know what to expect. Any good dishes I...


New member
Sep 8, 2011
...must try? I'm going somewhere for the weekend and part of it we are going to a greek restaurant.
I've never had Greek food before and don't really know what to expect.
Are there any imp articular dishes I should have? What should I avoid?
The typical greek meal is largely based on appetizers (mezedes) which are small plates with all sorts of things and are usually placed in the middle so you can help yourself and have a spoonful of everything.
I highly recommend all sorts of dips, particularly tzatziki (all of my friends love it). Try tiropitas and spanakopitas (fillo dough pastries with either cheese or veggies), and don't miss saganaki! It's fried cheese..... it kills your diet but it's delicious! XD

As for main courses, I hear moussaka is very popular but I personally eat the homemade version only.
If you like lamb, greeks can make some delicious dishes out of it.
If you like shrimps I recommend garides saganaki.

If you wish to end your meal with something sweet, I hope you like honey and nuts: both ekmek and baklava are awesome.

Have a good one!