IMAGINE NO RELIGION: will this ever happen in our lifetime... will relgion die...


May 18, 2008
...out... will knowledge win? IMAGINE NO RELGION


IMAGINE NO HELL... john lennon's great song......

imagine all the people living for today....

Will religion ever die out.

1. religion.... blind faith..

2. knowledge of the world... knowledge of the earth, solar system cosmos based on Evidence in the Natural-world.......

3... Can god ever ever be proven.... will there ever be Evidence for god... there is evidence for the sun, moon, plants animals, great oceans and the earth....

Don't you think that it's a little arrogant to assume that there is a difference between "religion" and "knowledge", considering some of the most knowledgeable thinkers in history have been religious?

"will there be evidence for God?"... there has always been evidence of God. Have you ever looked at a building and asked "will there be evidence for a builder?"

... and to answer your question, No. Religion won't die out.
Religion will never die, just as insanity will never go away.... as long as homo sapiens is around anyway.
if knowledge wins evry1 will fynd n follow da right religion instead of having blind faith
being atheist says ur too lazy n no offense too stupid to study n fynd da most truthful logical religion
You can't prove or disprove the existence of a god, just as you can't prove or disprove "M-theory" as of yet.

God and the multiverse both are currently unfalsifiable. Both require blind faith.

(But I totally saw Azathoth once. Kind of an idiot)
What we need is a BETTER religion, not no religion. As for now, I'll keep my own counsel and be spiritual in my own way.
I think religion is dying but I don't think it will die in my lifetime and I'm only 25. I think Christianity has got about 100-200 years left, Islam probably a bit longer because Islamic nations are a bit behind the curve. Scientology might keep attracting dumb rich people for a while and Mormonism....IDK. It's just the people who are Mormon now that are keeping it alive. I doubt they'll be able to pass it on fully to the next generation of Mormons. I think LDS will be dead inside of a century.
I think there will always be religion, it's just you'll see better how much crazier they are on average
No. You're only against organized religion because you think its cool to go against what the majority feels. Religion won't die out because some religions are just too big to fall. You won't win. Give up. And don't flash your beliefs in public.
The world sure would be a much more peaceful place. Unfortunately, it is human nature to look for answers to the unanswerable, not to mention to not accept that death is final. Logical thinking, the greatest product of human evolution, also instills us with too much of an imagination for our own damn good.
As long as there are questions that can't be answered; people will look to other means for answers. God is made out of man's own weaknesses. - Nietzsche.
Have you no faith what soever. i mean really if you would like to go around with no faith do it to your self don't put down everyone else religion. you need to go to church and get educated. i love my god. Yes God can be proven if you ever pray if you ever really truly believe trust me you can feel his presents nnts there with you. so god bless you and I really hope you find your way and i hope god has mercy on all of us
Religion, maybe.
Christianity, definitely, just one of the trends in the course of humanity, like all the other dead religions.
It's just a song, and John Lennon is over rated. He was a dreamer. If there was no religion, people would have no difficulty, and would waste no time in finding something else to fight and kill each other over. And religion will be a long time dying out, as it is all but in our genes. We are stuck with it for a long time yet.
well in China there were no religion invented, they did adapt Buddhism but rarely anyone care and they existed as the oldest civilization. So the answer would be yes
No they will just continue to ignore evidence and knowledge. Eventually though only fundies and extremists will remain because the evidence presented will be too great for them to continue denying.
I believe that if there is man, there will be religion. It is a part of the human experience to think about eternity and the reason for being. So I cannot imagine a world without it; even if they tried to ban the worship of God as they did in China and Cuba and other Communist places, people will still do so anyway.

Second, because I am Jewish, I do not believe in hell (it is not part of our religion) and feel that there is one afterlife that is there for all men. However, I do not concern myself much with it. My faith teaches to act for today, and not worry about what is coming along in the next life.

There cannot be irrefutable evidence for God since God cannot be measured or seen or comprehended unless God decides to show his face to man. I think He has in the past, but has not done so recently. Either you believe of you do not.