In a new city and no friends. Social hobbies to help meet new people?


Active member
May 11, 2008
I just moved to Tampa and really don't know anyone here. Most of the day is spent trying to figure out what im going to do, which usually ends up in staying home watching netflix. I can't really drink because im on Zoloft for my PDSD, so no bars. Anyone have any ideas???
Community events? Sports? Local parks with basketball and/or tennis courts? Skating? Video games? If you're going to school there that should be easy, if you're at work, it'll take time but you can meet new people. Staying at home viewing Netflix is the exact opposite of what you're trying to achieve. Be pro-active, talk to strangers, don't be shy, and don't hold back. You've only got one shot at this, you think Netflix is gonna hold you down for the next 40-80 or so years of your life?
Start mugging people. Only take their wallets and cell phones though. Copy down all the contacts in the phones and the address on the ID. Return their stuff and be sure not to steal anythong from their wallet. Once you have their address and friends phone numbers you can start calling their friends and asking them to do stuff with you. You can use their address to casually drop by and say "Hi" maybe bring them a coffee or something. When you meet their friends, introduce yourself as a cousin from out of town and say that your "cousin" is a little under the weather and wont be coming out after all. Try that for several weeks and eventually after you mug a few people you should meet a ton of new friends. If for some reason you try this plan and it has horrible consequences, I'm sure you'll make friends in jail. Good luck!