iPhone 3GS question - I downgraded to OS 4.1 to bypass the "1015" error, is


Active member
May 14, 2008
there any way to get back to 4.3? OK here's the deal -
I bought an "unlocked" iPhone 3GS off of craigslist due to the fact that my old one went swimming in the lake. Anyway I had no experience with "unlocked" or "jailbroken" iphones and wasn't ready for what I was getting into. So first thing that I did was to plug it into my computer and try to restore it so I could put my back-up of my old iphone on it. The phone restored almost all the way and then it "bricked" and it gave me the 1015 error. I tried tons of different videos on fixing it and I finally found one that worked.
- I put my iPhone in DFU mode
- Downloaded OS 4.1
- Installed OS 4.1 through iTunes
-When the 1015 popped up I opened tinyumbrella and got it to "exit recovery"
-Now I have a fully functioning phone so I stupidly tried to restore it again, and what do you know I bricked it again. (Then repeated the above steps)

- So now I have a phone that works fine running 4.1, I would really like to get it to run 4.3 since I can't transfer the backup of my old iPhone because it was running 4.3. Is there a way to fix this?

ANY help would be VERY appreciated. I have spent a lot of time and frustration on this, also if you could explain it to me in laymens terms, my computer jargon isn't up to par.