Is it true about the New World Order (NWO)? Or is it just a stupid conspiracy theory?


New member
Dec 20, 2008
Is it true that some European bankers control the US and that a select group of people basically control America and their goal is world domination and a new world order and a world currency? So basically what I've heard is that some of the richest people in the world, David Rockefeller and the Rothschild family (who all have close connections to CIA) control the economy and profit off wars. They are bankers who own and control the federal reserve and the central banks and profit off other countries debts. Some people think that they are behind 911 and put the fear of this so called "terrorism" into America.. They own the biggest news corporations like The Associated Press (yahoo news, etc uses AP) and Fox news and they control the media..Did they start the "war on terror" by blowing up the WTC and Invade Iraq for huge profits? Is it true that Osama Bin Laden was a CIA agent and whos real name is Tim Osman? I think perhaps Bin laden is a made up character..We are in such an entertainment saturated society and all we see on tv is what paris hilton bought at the mall today, etc...Ok I'm not a conspiracy theorist or anything, I've just been reading up on 911 and that brought me to some interesting stuff..
Theres this group called the Bilderberger group that holds meetings and has hundreds of members who are all royalty, politicians, owners of large corporations, major bankers. heres a list - . It includes Rockefeller family, Rothschild Family, former presidents, kings, queens, princes, CEO's of companies like Google and major companies. There's this giant list and there meetings are so secretive. When they hold meetings, there's no media coverage, and the security is tight, and there's no cameras allowed etc..Nobody is allowed to talk about what goes on in these meetings. I don't know about you, but information like this freaks me out a little..
there are only 6 nations left in the world where the Rothschild family does not financially support them..
George Alogoskoufis, Minister of Economy and Finance (Greece) Ali Babacan, Minister of Economic Affairs (Turkey) Edward Balls, Economic Secretary to the Treasury (UK) Francisco Pinto Balsemão, Chairman and CEO, IMPRESA, S.G.P.S.; Former Prime Minister (Portugal) José M. Durão Barroso, President, European Commission (Portugal/International) Franco Bernabé, Vice Chariman, Rothschild Europe (Italy) Nicolas Beytout, Editor-in-Chief, Le Figaro (France) Carl Bildt, Former Prime Minister (Sweden) Hubert Burda, Publisher and CEO, Hubert Burda Media Holding (Belgium) Philippe Camus, CEO, EADS (France) Henri de Castries, Chairman of the Management Board and CEO, AXA (France) Juan Luis Cebrian, Grupo PRISA media group (Spain) Kenneth Clark, Member of Parliament (UK) Timothy C. Collins, Senior Managing Director and CEO, Ripplewood Holdings, LLC (USA)
ill believe it when it happens but right now im not going to freak out over something that "might" or "might not" happen
ill believe it when it happens but right now im not going to freak out over something that "might" or "might not" happen
but didn't u hear part 2??

A new wave is coming..

We are going to ask for these things. They are not going to force anything on us. One day there will be one government, one currency and one army.

However like I said before.. this is their plan (Rockefeller and Rothschild) but there are elements which are against this and there will be resistance.. well that's my speculation..

Personally I don't care if we live in one world. I think it'd be better because no visa required.. every place will be equally developed... among lots of other things..
you should know your question is flawed when wikipedia is your main source.

I also heard there was a midget in nebraska that controls all the worlds corn supply.
"There's this giant list and there meetings are so secretive."

They have a right to freedom of speech, assembly, and privacy, just like you and I. What they discuss is irrelevant, what is the effect of their discussions? Everyone who believes these theories speculates and I have a problem with taking up speculation on faith as fact -- it's a wonderful way to be wrong.
You're still alive.

That's pretty much ironclad proof that there is no NWO. An organization that can murder and manipulate as many things as you're suggesting would have no problem finding and silencing you, or the more vocal proponents of this rubbish, like Alex Jones.

Please, before you get sucked too far down the rabbit hole with this stuff, give it a good reality check. You don't want to be huddled in a basement off the power grid eating SPAM and wearing a tinfoil hat, do you? Because that's where this road ends.