isnt it funny how people will convince themselves of anything?


New member
Jun 11, 2008
its amazing. people are convinced things are true no matter what facts are presented before them

"Of course obama wont be reelected"-even though he polls pretty well right now
"If obama doesnt release his birth certificate he wont be reelected" - really? is that statement grounded in reality at all?

Liberals are convinced they have the welfare of children as a priority yet they are responsible for them knowing the definition of the term teabagging.
It is scary to think that some of these people might actually have a job that is important to our public safety!
You mean like these things:

Bush is to blame for the WMD lie
Bush tricked Congress into starting an illegal war
Bush is to blame for Enron, him and Kenny Boy were oil buddies
Bush is to blame for the meltdown of 2008

Republicans are to blame for free trade and job outsourcing
Republicans are to blame for deregulation

Greedy rich people are Republicans.
Republicans are inbred redneck trailer dwellers.

If a Republican steals an old lady's purse, that means later a Democrat can steal an old lady's purse and say it's the Republican's fault because he started it.

Republicans are racist
Most Southern racist Democrats switched parties to the Republican party
Democrats and Republicans switched places on racism
Southern racist bigots were conservative, therefore all conservatives are racist

Conservatives and liberals switched places on racism - Republicans like Lincoln were liberal, but most Republicans are conservative now. Democrats were conservative at the time of the Civil War, but most Democrats are liberal now and not racist. Therefore liberals always favor civil rights for blacks, and Lincoln would be a Democrat today. Conservatives are always racist, so Republicans are racist today.

The Tea Party is racist

Sarah Palin said she can see Russia from her house. Saying she can see Russia from land in Alaska is the same as saying her house. Even though one is true and the other isn't. And "from my house" came from a comedy show.