Need some help making a workout routine?


New member
Jan 22, 2009
Well i just turned 18 years old. And im not fat but have been husky all my life, but i would like to lose the body fat to make my features stand out more, and just be plain healthier, and not feel so bogged down all the time. I have access to an amazing gym 24 hours a day but when i get there, there is so much stuff to do im not sure which would be fundemental to reaching my goal and which is just a waste of time. And also i need some ideas on what my diet should be, id say i have a below average metabolism and even worse self control when it comes to eating things i shouldnt. It has to be something simple though that i can eat on the go because with school and work i dont have time to cook egg whites and things like that. Thank you for helping me out.....
You do need a good diet but to help you lose calories and gain muscle just lift weights. It burns calories through the whole day, even when your done. Don't start out too high with reps or how much they weigh. Do it at a slow and steady pace. Do that about 2 times a day 4 times a week. Hope this helped.
At the gym: I would start on the elliptical machines. The motion is a lot like running but much less agonizing. When you're working up to being in shape these machines are great because they build strength in your joints without stressing them, so more hardcore exercise doesn't wreck your body if you ever get into that. The elliptical also use your arms and torso so its somewhat more balanced. If you want more focus on your upper body, try rowing.

In college, I had no time for exercise and instead took stairs all the time. When I had five minutes before getting to class, I would climb the stairs in the building and then go to class. It's great exercise and keeps you alert during class.

College no time food: make weeks worth of burritos when you have half an hour on the weekend and freeze them in plastic bags. Black beans, maybe a bit of corn, a bit of rice, lots of chili powder and cumin or taco seasoning, a bit of cheese, some cilantro. Keep it vegetarian and they can be a very balanced satisfying meal that isn't heavy. Avoid granola bars and dried fruit which seem like healthy snacks but are sugary and not that satisfying.

Best of luck!