Need the advice of some android experts...HD2 Rooting questions?


Jun 14, 2008
Ok, I currently have the G1 on T Mobile...I am getting a new phone to hold me over until my actual upgrade next June, but wanted a 4.3 in device running android (no the 4.3 screen is not everything that I want, but it is a dealbreaker). Unfortunately, no such device is or will be offerede by Tmobile. So I am getting the HD2 with plans to put Froyo on it.

My questions are:

1) Does the rooting process/android OS take up a lot of internal memory? How much will I be left with?

2) Can I put Swype on the HD2 once it is rooted? If so, before or after putting Froyo on?

3) How well does froyo run when it is put on a phone like this? Keep in mind I am coming from a stock G1, but I have played with an Evo and Vibrant, so I have seen what 2.1 can do. I guess I want to know if it is going to run smoothly on the HD2, or is it all choppy and lag a lot?

I am sorry if any of this sounds foolish. I have never rooted a device before, but I am competent and confident...just thought I would ask what I dont yet know.

Thanks in advance!
One of the best site for questions. Hope this helps!

Most of the guys and girls there are very nice, and know their stuff. If any question isn't already answered there, just ask. I'm sure they'll help.

I have the Droid X, running froyo. Android 2.2 on a 4.3" screen is just awesome.