Obama cover up of Crashergate begins. Why won't he let Desiree Rogers speak?


Dec 3, 2009
WH social aide won't testify about gatecrashers
" The White House is refusing to send its social secretary to Congress on Thursday to testify about the gatecrashing at last week's state dinner — a decision that prompted complaints from the top Republican on the committee holding the hearing."

What does Obama have to hide? Is he afraid Rogers will blurt out THE TRUTH like Balloon Boy did, and throw off his subterfuge of blaming the Secret Service?

Come on, the Secret Service does not keep track of the gust list. That was totally the WH staff's function.

Obama is desperately trying to hide his incompetence and failure to lead his own staff.

And his desperation only reveals his incompetence.
Pfo, by covering it up instead of allowing the investigation to finish and reach resolution, Obama is MAKING it a big issue.

Obama is the one making a mountain out of a molehill.
You question a dinner party yet went right along with everything fed to you on 9 11 and the wars?
With ALL the problems America faces that is all you can complain about?

You cons have gotten so petty looking for any reason to make Obama look bad!

Yet you ignored the fact Bush betrayed America by compromising national security until 911!

That is why you cons are so contemptible!
simple its a republican witch hunt
it will only encourage the republicans best ignore them let them stew
why is it his incompetence , was he on the door?, did he do the guest list? does he run security detail? your desperate looking for straws
I don't really get what the big deal is with this thing, but I do recall members of both parties wanting a full investigation into it (nice to see some bipartisanship). If Rogers has nothing to hide, then her testimony would be brief, right? So why won't she testify?
Yes this Presidency is more Nixonion than the Nixon Administration, anytime you have Robert Gibbs out talking about it and then talking Down to the Reporter`s like they are 12 yr olds, you know they stepped in it,
I am guessing that White House Staff are the people responsible for allowing the couple to enter. Now they are trying to blame the Secret Service. The arrogance in the administration supersedes any rules and security issues in place in the Obama White House.