Oscar Pistorius? Olympic run ends on a sour note


Jun 17, 2007
Oscar Pistorius' Olympic run ended on a sour note. The South African who is the first amputee to compete in track and field at the Olympics didn't get a second chance to run. Though he was entered in the 4x400 relay, his teammate was injured before the baton was ever passed.

In the opening heats of the relay, Ofense Mogatwane became entwined with Kenya's Vincent Kiilu. Mogatwane fell to the track, and grabbed his shoulder in pain. Pistorius, who was set to take the baton for Mogatwane, tried to get to his fallen teammate but was stopped by track officials.

After the race, Pistorius tweeted that his teammate was injured.

Thank you for the support. Hugely disappointed for the team and sorry for Ofentse who dislocated his shoulder. Wish him a quick recovery.

— Oscar Pistorius (@OscarPistorius) August 9, 2012

Pistorius ran twice during the Olympics, competing in the 400m opening heat and semifinal. Though he failed to get any medals, he inspired competitors and fans. Kitani James, the Grenadian runner who won the 400, switched bibs with Pistorius in a show of respect.

On the way to the Olympics, Pistorius had to go through legal challenges until the Court of Arbitration of Sport ruled he could compete. He also had to run several times before getting a qualifying time.

His trek to the Olympics was difficult and he didn't run as much as expected, but Pistorius' run was something that will be remembered for generations. His Olympics aren't defined by the end, but the entire journey.