Poll: Why are girls more sensitive than guys?


New member
May 25, 2011
I mean like if a girl saw a dead rat, roach, or a dead cat or anything dead in general out of nowhere they start to scream and then cry. I'm not going to lie I used to say I was fearless of mice. But when I saw it in my classroom I screamed soooo yeah.
I suppose it's in our genetical makeup. Women are the caring, emotional ones whereas men are meant to be strong and tough.
Part of it is how we're wired - a lot of that is determined before we're born, by a number of genetic and hormonal influences. Part of it, though, is how society EXPECTS us to act, and tells us that we're "suppsed" to act. I've run into people who think there's something wrong with me because I'm female, but I'm NOT afraid of such things. It's sort of a no-win proposition, and it can be just a bit frustrating.