PS3 Blue Ray Playback?


New member
Oct 14, 2008
Ok, I've got a PS3 80gig. Its been well taken care of and cleaned. Go to put in a blue ray movie in it and the screen goes black and it sits there acting like its trying to read it. No error messages nothing. I eject the movie thinking it was dirty, looked at it and no dust no finger prints what so ever. I pop in another blue ray and it takes a sec and plays right off the bat. So I put the original blue ray in that I had tried before and still the same. And right now as Im typing this the movie just started to play. Any idea's anyone? Do I need to clean the blue ray lens?
A friend of mine had the same problem. It happened to him and is still happening at the moment but only with some games. To fix it he took the disk out and put it back in until it works, one other thing, all of his games work but one. uncharted, he turn it on the screen stays blank for about 2 minutes then it goes to some sort of loading screen and just stays on that.He had both uncharteds and neither of them worked but all of his other games do, and his disk has no scratches either.

You could go to youtube and type, "Fix your PS3". They have solutions for all kinds of problems. The best way to fix this is for it to say some error message that way we know what kind of problems it is having.

I have the same ps3 like yours. NEVER had any problems whats so ever. I would also suggest you look on youtube of how to clean blu ray lens. That might help.