Question about joining an MMA gym in the summer?


New member
May 3, 2013
I'm currently a junior in college. I live at school two hours away from my hometown. I plan on taking Muay Thai and MMA classes at a gym near my home over the summer. But once the Fall semester starts, I'll be going back to school and I won't get to train. Will the instructors be cool with that? Do you think they'll let me go back and take classes a couple months later (when I have the chance to go back home like during winter/spring break)? That's really the main concern I have if I'm gonna do this. I did Taekwondo when I was a kid, only I didn't have to worry about taking a long hiatus from classes.
The coaches and trainers there aren't your mom. They won't call you to ask you why you aren't showing up to practice. The only time they'll do that is if you make a commitment to train for a competition and they're expecting you. You get out of it what you put in. If you want to make it a hobby, you'll be treated like a casual trainer and probably looked over. If you put heart and soul into it, they'll want you to show up regularly.

Because regardless if you show up or not, there will be 20 other guys that will show up. So in all honesty they don't need you, so in the end, you won't be hurting their feelings if you don't show up.