questions about mixing weed and adderall, as well as a bit of a rant from me?


New member
Feb 8, 2011
okay before i get to the topic about mixing weed and adderall, i have to talk a bit about me first, for a better understanding, lol. i'm stoned, so i have alot to get off my chest. please hear me out. if you're going to say something like i shouldn't smoke weed, dont even bother because i wont listen, that is not the issue here.

I have severe ADD that's so bad it can affect my daily life and bring me down if i ignore it. this surprises many because i am so calm and mellow, and so many people think that ADD is the same as ADHD, that you only have it if you're hyper and off the wall. this is not the case, and if i'm wrong, only God knows what my condition is, haha. I was always very quiet in school. some people thought i was dumb because i frequently got bad grades but did not have the excuse of being a total spaz to be the explaination. truth is, there's more going on inside my head than i can comprehend, but i just keep it inside. not like things that needed to be discussed with a counselor or anything, just wild, random thoughts distracting me. It can be frustrating and sometimes torturous, to have a mind that races and spins, so i just space out when i can't deal with it. teachers ive had were surprised at my grades because i took many notes and looked like i was paying close attention. when i would take notes, i would just mindlessly copy things on the board while daydreaming about things that interest me, or maybe just focus on writing as neat as possible out of boredom, and even just scribble everything down as fast as possible to get it out of the way, then move on to write song lyrics or draw things. sometimes not even being able to hold the attention of these things long enough to finish them, other times letting them take over completely, and spend the rest of that class just writing songs or whatever. i know i am rambling, but i'm just revealing a more personal side of me that not too many people understand. call me weird, this is just the way i am, and i cant help it. sorry, but we're almost to my main point..

I smoke the sweet leaf for many reasons, one of which is to focus on things, or at most, view certain angles of something that I had not noticed before to gain a new perspective of it. i guess what i'm trying to say is, simply, it opens the mind. being high inspired me so much, its not "fake euphoria" or "dependence" as anti-weed people like to say, that gets me going, its the stimulation of my brain that just starts with one idea growing into another. therefore, i smoke to help me write papers and what not. the only downside to this is lazyness that occurs depending on what kind of weed it is. I can have more theories than Einstein when im blazed but lack the physical motivation, and cannot even get a sentence out on paper lol. sooo...

i was stoned of my ass earlier, and couldnt even get my homework out to work on. i took an adderall (i'm prescribed to them) and im feeling so great and very productive. the stimulation of it combined with the weed is fantastic. i still have all of those great ideas and plans and i can actually carry them out. I love it.

thing is, i hear so much that taking an adderall while on weed is mixing an upper and a downer and is bad for you. i rarely do it, so can it really be that bad? i only do it when i absolutley need to get something done and do it good, not halfassed.

does anyone feel me on this? my parents believed i had a major problem when they found out i smoked weed, and made me go to a therapist. well i tell the therapist these thoughts, and she just says that i'm "self-medicating" by doing this and that i "can't handle reality" so i turn to drugs to escape. and she said this with sort of a mean attitude, like, "your messed up and addicted to a horrible chemical, kid. you're just digging deeper into your grave of problems".

that kind of shit just brought me down, and i thought therapists were supposed to help. she actually shook her head at me in shame. nobody believes me that i do not smoke to escape problems. I can handle the blows life throws at me just fine and shake them off. but is it really such a bad thing that i like to smoke and discover myself a bit more along the way? I have never been caught with weed, and i smoke very cautiously, so i don't know where the so-called problem is that everyone insists that i have. i wont even smoke unless i am 100% sure of myself that it is safe at that time. i tell them this and they say i'm still being reckless and risky, but i say im being wise about it and not an idiot.

well if you read this, thank you for listening. i strayed off quite a bit but i hope people can talk to be about these personal issues, as well as the weed/adderall combo. peace