Rant: How much time do people spend looking at ads in their lifetime?


May 14, 2008
You know, at some point I'd like to see a law adopted to battle invasive ads or solicitation. I never understood why people seem undisturbed by the amount of ad junk we all sift through on a daily basis. Here and there it's not a big deal, but when you realize how much time and attention it deducts from your life, there should be a paycheck attached to it.

Ads are everywhere! You can't take a walk without seeing them. You can't pay for a service without seeing them. They litter our lives, literally. Even with cable TV, you're buying more ads! You'd think a service you pay for wouldn't have so many of them. And the other little things, like when a commercial comes on and they're screaming, but you need to turn up the volume to hear your program. They also seem to be increasing in duration. Good thing I don't watch a lot of TV, but that doesn't even put a dent in the amount of other ads that circulate everywhere. Am I alone? Is there anyone else that hates them as much as I do? How come there isn't an organization out there battling this? It's ridiculous.
omg i hate ads! you are the first person who has noticed that the TV show is really quite then out out of no were "DO YOU WANT TO GET 6 PACK ABS IN 6 MINUTES!! AHHHHH!!!!!" the commercials are louder then the tv show!