Scriptures about wife helping to win husband's soul for Christ?


New member
Nov 23, 2009
I was wondering if you could help me find scriptural examples of a Christian wife getting a husband who is not saved or on the fence to convert to Christianity? I know there was at least one...
Got is a stupid arab story. That's the end of it. He doesn't exist. You can't help your husband fly away to a mystical land in the sky that is non-existant.
A careful inspection of the New Testament reveals that most of it is about the origin and development of The Church. The hierarchical power structure is its main focus, as evidenced in the evolving doctrine, which all must accept or perish. Jesus himself was not concerned about that, but rather about the individual. We do not have many of the words of Jesus, and the form in which we have them has become so formalized as to suck them dry of any life. So you have to read between the lines.

His message was that you need to be an Agent of, an expression of, that Divine Conscience which is within you, and that this would have one of two effects. Your example, like His, would work to separate others into two camps, those who love truth and those whose Ego/Pride makes them escape Truth. They either come to the side you are on or run away.

So if you are an example of the transformed, rejuvenated, enlightened being which Jesus sought to reveal in each of us, your husband will either follow or run away. But you didn't really want a husband who follows but one who leads, right? Can you imagine The Patriarchs sitting like sheep listening to some dead preacher blathering on? Your husband may be a fine man who is rebelling against the deadness which is today's Church. He may have within him sense enough to see that what The Church professes to have, is not there.

If you believe such to be the case, he will thrill and find his Mission in the following:
The Harvard Divinity School Address by Ralph Waldo Emerson, 1838. This had such a profound effect that he was banned from there for 30 years.
1 Peter 3:1,2 - In like manner, YOU wives, be in subjection to YOUR own husbands, in order that, if any are not obedient to the word, they may be won without a word through the conduct of [their] wives, 2*because of having been eyewitnesses of YOUR chaste conduct together with deep respect.