Shawn and his bike have a total mass of 52.9 kg. Shawn rides his bike 1.1...


May 16, 2008
16 in 10.9 min at a constant velocit? Shawn and his bike have a total mass of
52.9 kg. Shawn rides his bike 1.1 km in
10.9 min at a constant velocity.
The acceleration of gravity is 9.8 m/s2 .
What is Shawn’s kinetic energy?
Answer in units of J
well if you do your own homework then and study then i'm sure you can figure it out all on your own. -0-
Well if the question says nothing about a slope, you can use the kinetic energy equation .5m*v^2 to get the answer easily. so, you just calculate velocity by saying x = Vo*t + .5at^2. you should get a velocity of 1100 = Vo*654 + 0 (because there is no acceleration). so Vo = 1.68 m/s. then just plug that into the first equation to get .5*52.9*(1.68)^2 = 74.65 J
His speed is 1100 m / 10.9•60 seconds = 1.68 m/s

Kinetic Energy in J if m is in kg and V is in m/s
KE = ½mV² = ½(52.9)(1.68)² = 74.8 joules
Kinetic Energy is equal to 1/2mv^2

m = 52.9 kg

Convert km to meters, divide it by 10.9 minutes, and you have your velocity.

Plug it into the equation for kinetic energy and solve!

dist=1.1km=1100 m
time= 10.9min = 10.9*60 s=654s
speed=1100m/654s =1.68196 m/s
speed and velocity similar in this case
shawn and his bicycles totsl kinetic energy is Ek=(0.5)m*v^2
Ek=(0.5)*(52.9kg)*(1.68196m/s)^2 =74.83 J