Should kids be taught about gay sex alongside heterosexual sex?


New member
May 18, 2008
In my opinion, if a child is old enough to ask about sex, s/he is old enough to know about sex. However, what I am wondering is, if a child asks for instance, "Mummy, what is sex" without specifying whether they mean heterosexual or homosexual sex (as of course, they don't know about anything at all) then should the mother or father teach the child about gay sex also?

Of course, it would vary depending on whether or not the child had grown up in an environment where they knew about and were open towards homosexuality, but if a child was asking about sex in general, then do they really need to be taught about gay sex too, especially considering that roughly 80-90% of kids will end up straight anyway?

And if you were to teach your child about gay sex, to what extent would you teach them, and how would this vary from what you'd tell them about straight sex? Would you teach them the whole of the mechanisms as you would with straight sex or what?

Just wondering what your views are on this really, because even though I am completely in support of homosexuality, I'm not sure how I feel about this one. Perhaps I am slightly homophobic after all? Looking forward to your replies :)
it could confuse some children they already are confused enough at puberty wait until they've sorted such things out before teaching them