So I see a lot of you brownies like to complain about my stories not being funny


May 13, 2008
enough or whatever? yet you also complain how boring it is when us "troIIs" arent around to entertain you, yet you report us when we do show up. My question is, what is it you really want? Do you see how contradictory you all behave? Also, if you dont like my material, I more than welcome any of you to try and come up with something better, that will entertain the other users? Phifer, lets see you make a Q that is original and hilarious? Run along ugly, ill wait here. Who else wants to try?
look patrick, most of us arent ms.pless
and i think your pretty funny, but i also hate you in a way because the newer trolls copied off your material and overused it :/
man you left a huge legacy
Is this the REAL Britney or one of her/his foot soldiers? just curious...

I'm chocolaty delicious. :)