Software for ripping homemade DVD's?


Jun 1, 2008
Copy the .vob files into your computer.

Rename the .vob files as .mpg or .mpeg files. Then, any software should be able to access them, even Windows Movie maker.
Having a bit of a crisis here.

My mom is doing a vocal cover as a gift to the family for christmas, and she wants me to edit the video using home videos. (Key word: HOME VIDEOS, I'm not talking about copyrighted DVDs.) Ordinarily this wouldn't be an issue, except absolutely no software I've looked into has recognized that there was even a DVD in the drive.

So yeah. Need some good software.

Again, let me reiterate... I don't need regular ripping software that will bypass copyrighted DVD's. This is for HOME videos. (The only reason I put so much emphasis is because I've looked around before asking, and nobody seems to acknowledge that word when they recommend useless crapware.)

Thanks, 4um.
Quick note; for editing, I use Sony Vegas 8 and Adobe Photoshop CS3.
Hello the reason no software is reading the dvd is all dvds have too be finalized or they wont play on any dvd player accept the onr that burned it. go here for all your video needs good luck!!!!!!!