Spiritually speaking, do you feel that people overuse "LOL"?


May 13, 2008
If it's supposed to really denote laughing out loud, some people should really be locked in rubber rooms if they're laughing as much as that.
Laughter is the best medicine. Nothing wrong with a bit of it now and then! Peace!
LOL has nothing to do with spirituality or anything spiritual. It has to do with humor and stupid stuff at times.
Yes I do but there aren't many alternatives. It's hard to convey via typed words that one is merely joking and that seems to me to be the most common usage of it.
LOL! I mean lolz! ha ha ha ha ! Good one Kevin, my God, I can't stop LOL FYI BTW!

Lots of love . . . that's what it means, right: ; )

"lol" has become the "like" of internet conversation.

Instead of "Like this one time I was like doing this and like..."
We have "Lol did you see what he did!?? lol!...."
Definitely overused! It's beginning to grind my gears.

Consider the following example:

"well lets c here i'm 16 lol. i lyk lotsa dif kinds of music but mostly mcr, they r so hot lol nething but country rofl. im a cat person an im totez obsesed wit twilight lol!!!!.if u wanna add me plz msg me 1st no stalkers lol. bye now"

What can you gather about this person? Three things, if you are astute: first, they have had sixteen years to master their native language and still show no signs of ever managing to do it. Second, their taste in music and literature is horrible. Third, they are apparently seized with uncontrollable fits of laughter when discussing the most depressingly mundane details of their existence.

It's tragic, really.