Suppose a boat has to make a round trip up and down a river. The trip up takes 1


May 12, 2008
hour and is with the current.? Suppose a boat has to make a round trip up and down a river. The trip up takes 1 hour and is with the current. The trip back takes 6 hours. Suppose the round trip is a total of 58 miles, and that the boat's speed and the speed of the current are constant. What is the boat's speed and what is the current's speed?
current mph
boat mph
round trip is 58, one way is 29

let x = speed of boat
let y = speed of current

1(x + y) = 29
x + y = 29
y = 29 - x

6(x - y) = 29
6[x - (29 - x)] = 29
6(x - 29 + x) = 29
6(2x - 29) = 29
12x - 174 = 29
12x = 203
x = 16 & 11/12 mph or about 16.92 mph
y = 12 & 1/12 mph or about 12.08 mph