The Big Cat Thread

Awesome stalking and killing technique. i love big cats. lion, tigers, i watch many wild documentaries. killing is what they do to survive, to feed. they see a target and sometimes successful others not. If humans are in such hunting grounds then they should be extra vigilant. cos they are WILD - they are hunters... great vids btw
Not right away. They usually try to rehome it first. Id it returns again and again to the same place and becomes a total nusiance and a danger then they will have to take it out. Humanely of course. Thats why they always tell people here in Newfoundland do not feed the animals in our parks. We have black bears. The animals can get used to it and will want to return again and again so they would not be able to be moved to the outback country. Most people don't feed em, which is why you never hear of bears being killed here.
was expecting courtney cox or demo moore pics...but I like THOSE kind of cougars too
That's a dirty trick! I was very disappointed!

Your lucky I'm not a mod!

Just Kidding.
We have black and grizzly bears here. Some black bears are born white and are sacred to the Indians.
Further north, up in the NWT grizzlys are crossbreeding with polar bears creating a new species, i could make an intersting post about that. Also up there they have the musk ox and arctic wolf. Plenty of wildlife where not many people live.
I live in Alberta, western Canada. Great place except in winter when the temp drops down to -40.