There is a bible prophecy that tells of a war that will destroy 1/3 of the...


New member
Jun 1, 2008
...human race...? Regardless of religious affiliation or non-affiliation, do you believe such an event (biblical or not) is possible?
If so, what do you imagine would be the cause of the war?


With love, Anne C
It is most definantly possible!!! look at the weapons earthly nations possess!! look at the new countries venturing to space!!! The war will probably be caused by: Resorces being diminished (attack to gain more); religious diffrences; Economic debt (Ex: USA owes china, china has 1/3 of the worlds population btw , just remembered that.......freaky O_O)
If there's a war that kills 1/3 of the world population.. Everyone will be so pissed they'll continue to fight until the other 2/3 is wiped out.
Sure, I think it could happen easily. Disease or nuclear action could easily do that. The Bible is full of vague predictions like that.
Bibel prophesy... what a joke...

Bibel is filled with lotsa ignorant mistakes:
Snakes can't talk.
Bats are not birds.
Donkeys can't talk.
The earth is not flat.
Pi does not equal 3.
The Earth is not a circle.
Rabbits do not have hoofs.
People can't float to the sky.
Rabbits do not chew their own cud.
People can’t walk on water(except Cris Angel).
The cure for leprosy is not rubbing birds blood all over a person.

Why would you believe any of it ?

“Just think how insightful a book that actually came from a Creator would be...
Beautiful mathematics, comprehensive laws of physics, clear biology, consistent morality and ethics among other gems.

Instead we get a bizarre book on talking snakes, burning bushes, slaves, neolithic philosophy and a strange preoccupation with everyone's sex life”.

Quite frankly, if you need the carrot and stick idea of heaven and hell to behave, then you're not a moral person whatsoever; you're a sociopath leashed by fear and self-interest.
no not a war .. and ive been toying with the idea that it could be done through manipulation of food supplies .. food as a weapon .. combined with other factors to eliminate a large portion of the population as a controlled depopulation agenda .. it may even be a slow process over time that goes largely unnoticed .. like the sharp rise in cancer rates over the past decades ..
Yes I do believe. It is in Revelation and it is a prophecy concerning the end times. The rapture will occur first, and all believers will disappear in the twinkling of an eye to be caught up in the clouds with the Lord. That will be the start of the Great Tribulation where the Anti-Christ will appear and rule for a 3 year reign and convince the world he is the true Messiah. Many who did not get Raptured will turn to Christ, but Christians will be hunted and destroyed. At the three year end of the Anti-Christ's reign, Christ will return and throw the Anti-Christ who is Satan incarnate into the lake of fire.
Human greed is the cause of most wars -

I know that prophecy is there somewhere - don't have my Bible handy.

It's when God's people and the anti Christ army battle over isreal


The earth is not flat.
Pi does not equal 3.
The Earth is not a circle.

Yes,i know that .because the bible didn't say that.dude 64 years you have memory loss and just plain stupidity?

That bible flat thing was refuted