To those who believe Islam is NOT a peaceful religion. . . .?


May 16, 2008
Do you believe there ARE some Muslims that have goodness in their heart and don't agree with violence or terrorism?
it was founded by a violent man ( he killed all the Jews in the town of Medina ) and in countries where the Koran is followed as law it is a very harsh place to life for women and violence towards them is encouraged ( beatings with sticks for looking up while walking and such ) but many Muslims do not live in Muslim run countries and are good people I am sure.
Yes, there are always exceptions to the rule.

Do these good muslims agree with the Quran and Hadiths that those who leave Islam should be killed?
How many terrorists have you heard of coming from Senegal, Mali, Cameroon, or Singapore, Tajikstan, Bosnia, or Eritrea?

because those are all muslim nations, and right there is at least 50,000,000 people
All of the Abrahamic religions have went on murder sprees throughout history. They are all evil.
Im a Muslim. ad yes, Islam forbided us to kill people and torture them for absolutely no reason.
I think that most people like to make extraordinary and highly unlikely judgments about things they are totally ignorant of.
The vast majority of the population simply can't ever say that they don't know much about something.
Even though it should be obvious that people cannot possibly know a lot about everything, its like some terrible embarrassing weakness for a person to simply say 'Islam? I don't know about this culture.'...Their ego can't handle it.

After someone does something that people think is terrible and it scares them....The masses will look for whatever superficial quality which made that person different, and assume that this is the cause. They are too lazy and cowardly to examine the situation deep enough to actually get a good understanding about it.
They must not have read the quran.

Tell me, what is the punishment for leaving islam?

Also: was Allah unwilling or unable to write it so it would be perfectly clear violence is always wrong?
yeah, but people no matter where
they come from- usually focus more on hating their family first