Traveling back through time...10 points will be rewarded for the best and most


New member
Apr 18, 2010
creative answer.? Imagine that you have the opportunity to travel back through time. At what point of history would you like to stop and why? This is something that you would want to have witnessed and experienced. Don't forget to back up your statements with facts and evidence.
* Actuall this is a scholarship opportunity and I just wanted to get some ideas off of here.
Actually, this is a scholarship opportunity and I just wanted to get some ideas off of here. But thanks for assuming something you don't know.
I'll help you out:

If I were to go back in time and change anything that I think bad occured, it would be the inventions of guns. The reason why I say this is because of now these days many people are getting killed from these dangerous weapons that are practically pointless. You should go on from there. I hope this helps you.
why do you make it sound like you want us to right the paper for you? JK.
I WON'T GIVE YOU ANY IDEAS, but i'll help. You should think of things that you would want to witness, not what ppl on yahoo would!