What are gay relationships like in Japan between foreigners and Japanese guys?


New member
Jun 3, 2008
I've heard a lot about how foreigners (particularly western guys) are rather sought after by certain segments of the Japanese gay scene in Ni-Chome and other gay scenes from Tokyo to other metro areas.

Has anyone here experienced a relationship with someone in the nation they were traveling in, either another foreigner or a native (in this case Japan)?

How did it work out? Did you understand the language, did they speak English or was there a language barrier in your sexual encounter/relationship?

Just asking out of curiosity, I was thinking of going to Japan later on as my college abroad/second language interest.
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It should be noted that this question is out of sheer curiosity, having sex with people while you're abroad isn't unheard of, but it's not really something I'd care to engage in unless I were single and living there for quite a while (meaningful friendship/relationship > sex)
I don't think anyone wants to move to Japan for the awesome conversations they're going to have with all the asians they bone.
You'll have lots of wild sex and then go back to your country of origin.
They are same relationship to any race, I am sure. You could take a Japanese lesson then. Or old fashion way is you try what you did before.

I encountered Iran guy who spoke a little English and I tried to gesture with him sexually. He knew it and we hooked up. English or no English.
well i went to mexico and im dating my current boyfriend, weve been going out for 18months now

im back in the states now, im 17 by the way

it was fun and easy, we got along perfectly, if yuo like the person, nothing dhould really be a barrier

good luck, stay cool