What can I do to cope with medications that are making me feel apathetic, listless


New member
Jun 3, 2008
and mentally dull? I recently began undergoing radiation as a part of treatment for Hodgkin's Lymphoma, and my oncologist wanted me to try an antidepressant to help me cope with some of the side effects, which include lethargy but a total inability to sleep. She doesn't think I'm actually depressed, and neither do I, but I have extreme reactions to most sleeping aids (they have the opposite effect and make me extremely hyper) and it's supposed to help me to unwind at night and rest. It's only been a week and I know it takes longer to really kick in, but it's totally not helping at all. The only difference that I've noticed is a feeling a apathy. I don't get happy over the things that I used to love, and I don't get upset over things either. I'm like totally emotionally numb, and I can't deal. I'm an artist, and this is totally killing my creativity. I'm also taking prednisone, and it used to make me more on-edge and hyper sensitive, but now it has no effect. I don't really see that as a total plus though.

I don't know if I should just quit taking the medication or give it more time to work. I'm doing everything else I can to stay mentally well. I have a very deeply rooted faith that's become stronger, and I still have the energy to dance many days. I get fresh air and sunlight. I never have an appetite, so I don't eat as much as I should, but what I do eat is very healthy. I'm a vegan.

I don't even know the name of this antidepressant. The doctor gave it to my dad, and I just emptied it into my pill organizer without reading the label. That was stupid, I know. Whatever it is, so far it's completely sucked.

So, what can I do? I'm 17 so I can't even get a medical marijuana card to help deal with this.