What company makes the best 22in to 32in 1080 LCD? AND are TV/DVD combo


Mar 3, 2008
I own hotels and one thing I have learned from my experience is you can't cheap out when it comes to tv's. I don't recommend buying store brand such as Best Buy's Insignia brand... You can't go wrong with Sony, LG, or Pioneer... Samsung is also a good brand, but they don't sell them at high-end stores because they consider them "cheap"

And as far as the combo goes, I'd rather just buy a separate DVD player... you can get one for dirt cheap these days...
Sony or Samsung for quality.Sanyo for price.I wouldn't get a combo tv.Stay away from Vizio or RCA.
LCD's any good? I'm looking for an LCD for the den and looking for some help with the info (in store sales tell you whatever to make a sale). I think 1080 is better than 720 for the sake of resolution and don't know much more than that so I'm looking for info.
I own hotels and one thing I have learned from my experience is you can't cheap out when it comes to tv's. I don't recommend buying store brand such as Best Buy's Insignia brand... You can't go wrong with Sony, LG, or Pioneer... Samsung is also a good brand, but they don't sell them at high-end stores because they consider them "cheap"

And as far as the combo goes, I'd rather just buy a separate DVD player... you can get one for dirt cheap these days...