What is it that makes billions of people worldwide feel so strongly about their


New member
May 30, 2010
religion? whether it be Sikhism, Christianity, Islam, or whatever...
what do you think it is that makes people of dozens of differnt religious beliefs feel so much love and passion for their religion...so much so that, for many, it goes before anything else in their life?
I want to know what gives people that feeling when there are also so many people in the world that do not (or cannot) feel the same way about any religion.
The conviction from the Holy Spirit, or the cunning lies of the devil. Christians have the Holy Spirit indwelling them and are convicted of truth and understanding of God's Word. Other religions are attractive through satan's luring people away from truth. Then there are those who have already been lured from the truth and choose to live without taking a stand either way.
It's a sense of belonging and community.
Social cohesiveness is pretty high on the list of basic human needs.
I think it's mainly that existentialism sucks. People naturally want direction in their lives, something they can cling to and believe in. Otherwise, there's nothing. We're just wandering around wondering where we came from and what the meaning of our day-to-day activities are. It's similar to why people come onto internet sites like this, it gives people happiness to feel like they are part of something, whether it's a community or a religion.
Spirituality Spot Found in Brain

People with less active Me-Definers are more likely to lead spiritual lives, reports the study.

For some it is fear of death.

For some it is love and appreciation of God, synonymous with love and appreciation for life as they see it having come about.
Well, it is because we have evolved from apes and all the stupididty has not been bred out yet.
Probably the historic savagery and cruelty of the organized atheists such as Hitler, Stalin, and Pol Pot.
I can only speak for myself. I am attracted to the truth of Christianity and I want to spread the love of God to all.
It's the sense of pride that you belong to something big. a lot of people don't feel the same way because they can't and are unwilling to give up their time, of worshiping themselves (if that makes sense), and give that time for something that your not completely sure is there.