What is the difference between the Labyrinth Anniversary Edition DVD and the...


New member
Nov 7, 2011
...regular DVD? I already have the regular DVD version of Labyrinth (I'm speaking of the Jim Henson movie with David Bowie, Jennifer Connelly,etc.). What "extras" or benefits does this Anniversary Edition DVD have? Is it worth it to spend the extra money for this copy or should I stick with the one I already have?
That really depends on how much you love the movie or the Muppets in general. If you are happy with just the movie, then it will not be worth your money. If you are fascinated by the Muppets and everything that went into making this classic, then buying it will make you happy.

Disclaimer: I have not seen the Anniversary Edition yet and do not know what special features it has. I plan to buy it just because I admire what Jim Henson did and the humor he added to his creations.