what liscensing do I need to do home theater, security camera, and network installs?


New member
Jul 23, 2008
I am in the State of Colorado. I have a business now that is growing more and more towards this low voltage electrical installations, (right now I offer it for RV's and do all automotive electrical). Other places say the are "certified" but I have not been able to find out who they are certified by. Do they, or is there any licensing or permit requirements?

I did look on the Colorado state websites but was pretty unsuccessful finding information...
most communications wiring does not require you to be certified to perform the work... however, many businesses, or clients that you acquire may want to know that you are certified to work on certain equiptment... certification programs are either done by the manufacturers of the equiptment that you want to install, or by third parties...

search results for CCTV certification

search results for home theater certification

search results for cisco certification

also, for some clients they may wish that the cabling installed is certified, this requires special testing equiptment that will be able to test the cabling installed and provide proof of if the installed cabling passed or failed certification... costs of these meters start around the cost of a used car....