What makes you more angry: political correctness or people who scream political

correctness when there is none? I don't like political correctness as do most people.Yeah,okay,I can see some things like say "mentally challenged",and that's just my own personal feelings about it. However,I don't like things like "vertically challenged" for short people or banning the word Christmas from holiday parades or something. I think it should be left to the people. If they want to use "Happy Holidays",that's their choice,and if they want to use "Christmas",that's their choice as well. I don't think either one of them should be banned

However,I find that people who scream "PC" when there is none make me angrier. I hate it when someone says,"Happy Holidays" by their own choice,and these anti-PC crowds start whining about how everything is so "PC" when it's not. I don't even think Happy Holidays is that politically correct
ladydreamer24,don't act like Republicans aren't politically correct. "Enhanced interrogation".What do you think that is?
I hate when everyone expects everyone else to bow down to political correctness. Like when we are supposed to follow their rules of not saying Merry Christmas. I hate when we are supposed to be politically correct and treat prisoners of war with humane tacticts, when they are not treating our men and women humanely. They are chopping their heads off, and putting bullets in their heads, while our people are whining that the prisoners we have aren't being treated nicely. I hate that our men were drug through the streets until dead in Somalia, and our troops are being killed and left in the dessert to rot. While we are giving the enemy a nice warm place to live and food to eat. This is the political correctness that I hate. Also I hate that when someone cries and whines about church groups using school grounds for meetings, and yet these same whiny groups are using school grounds for their meetings and their agenda. They are wanting all mention of Christmas etc out of schools, but we are supposed to follow their beliefs or we get sued. These are the political correctnesses that I hate. We should not be expected to treat those people humanely when they are violently and inhumanely killing ours. We should not be required to follow others political correctness, just as we should not expect them to folllow our beliefs. If they don't like something then remove your child from the school. This country was built on the concept of religious freedom, not freedom from religion. I should be just as able to celebrate my religion in a public sector as anyone else is allowed to theirs or to celebrate their non religion. Why can we teach about qwanza, hanika, etc in schools, but not christianity? If you want to choose not to have a belief in God, don't try to force us to live by that also. We don't force your to believe as we believe. When I say "you" in here, I am not saying specifically the asker of this question, but "you" as in everyone out there.
I hate when everyone expects everyone else to bow down to political correctness. Like when we are supposed to follow their rules of not saying Merry Christmas. I hate when we are supposed to be politically correct and treat prisoners of war with humane tacticts, when they are not treating our men and women humanely. They are chopping their heads off, and putting bullets in their heads, while our people are whining that the prisoners we have aren't being treated nicely. I hate that our men were drug through the streets until dead in Somalia, and our troops are being killed and left in the dessert to rot. While we are giving the enemy a nice warm place to live and food to eat. This is the political correctness that I hate. Also I hate that when someone cries and whines about church groups using school grounds for meetings, and yet these same whiny groups are using school grounds for their meetings and their agenda. They are wanting all mention of Christmas etc out of schools, but we are supposed to follow their beliefs or we get sued. These are the political correctnesses that I hate. We should not be expected to treat those people humanely when they are violently and inhumanely killing ours. We should not be required to follow others political correctness, just as we should not expect them to folllow our beliefs. If they don't like something then remove your child from the school. This country was built on the concept of religious freedom, not freedom from religion. I should be just as able to celebrate my religion in a public sector as anyone else is allowed to theirs or to celebrate their non religion. Why can we teach about qwanza, hanika, etc in schools, but not christianity? If you want to choose not to have a belief in God, don't try to force us to live by that also. We don't force your to believe as we believe. When I say "you" in here, I am not saying specifically the asker of this question, but "you" as in everyone out there.
I think the whole political correctness is dumb, it just clouds an issue. so they spend more time trying to find the right way to say something negative, when there is none.

when I was a kid, we didn't have many fat kids in school, but if you were fat, you knew it, because everybody called you fat. now people make a big deal out of it, saying it hurts their feeling, but the fact still remains, the kid is fat.

most words that are now politically incorrect are actual words, like Moron (a person with an IQ under 80)

so I say what something really is, and if I hurt feelings, then I am doing it right, because at least the person is aware.
People have freedom of speech, if you don't like what they say then just don't listen
I don't bother getting angry anymore.

Anger is a wildcard, not controllable, as unpredictably dangerous as a wildfire. But mostly ineffective.

Terms change. "Legs" used to be profane. "That's sucks" used to be profane, more recently.

But what I find to be torture is to see people not understanding how really rough you have to be with evil people coming to kill us. After the European Wars commissions of august men of the nations got together -- some of them actually very familiar with the real horrors of war -- and set reasonable standards for what torture is, and what an "enemy combatant" is, and understood why an enemy combatant dressed in civilian clothing, not in any recognizable mark of which side he was on, could be shot dead without mercy, and if captured was not subject to being treated as a prisoner of war, but subject to any means of persuasion -- including the otherwise banned torture -- so that we, the good, trying to protect the innocent he seeks to kill, might track down ASAP his murderous fellows, and not be trained to suspect every good citizen of being an enemy, nor come to regard life as cheap.

Torture of such evil men is the wrong word. We are not doing it to torture people, there is no sadistic joy. Enhanced interrogation is the better term, it is more accurate and to the purpose of why it is being done.
I say things like it is. If you don't like it them move to a commie country because freedom of speech isn't going away anytime soon.
I say things like it is. If you don't like it them move to a commie country because freedom of speech isn't going away anytime soon.
Political correctness is a stupid thing, mentally challenged people are retarded, sanitation workers are garbagemen, and so on. In the constitution it never says we can't offend people, we have become a country of sissies. Anyways, I hate people that say anything is NOT politically correct, anti-PC's crowds would be people like me lol, but I still get your point.
LOL I know, that no one in DC, is politically anything, except politically corrupt!!! Do you agree?? I think alot do!!
I think we should ban political correctness, people need to stop acting like babies and get over it ! Not only have they destroyed Christmas with the crap but Halloween as well ! Everyone is so touchy ! No one has a asense of humor any more !