Where's a good place for my parents to travel?


May 27, 2008
I'm starting to save up for their xmas gift, I'll have about 1200$ to send them somewhere, however I'm not sure where exactly. We live in Minnesota, they love antique/old/history kind of things, someplace warm and relaxing, best area for nurture sight-seeing? They are not really into the beach/swimming, but they like water...hah...weird I know.

Any suggestions would be very much appreciated, thanks!
You don't say whether you want to send your parents away for Xmas or if you are giving them the gift at Xmas for use at another time. I'm going with use at another time because I can add more stuff.

If you look for bargains, you could send them on a cruise. Have them fly into NY or Florida and grab a cruise from there. It's do-able, although you'd have to work to get the bargains to fit your 1200 and cover both the cruise and airfare.

Springtime in Yellowstone National Park would be an amazing time. Time in cabin, wildlife, geysers, etc - very relaxing.

Hot Springs NP, AR - here you have the water without the beach. They can enjoy the baths, spas, hiking etc. It's got a very unique history and is very relaxing.

Actually, I'm a huge fan of National Parks. Nearly every idea that pops into my head is a National Park: Shenandoah NP, Cuyahoga Falls NP, Mammoth Caves National Park. Many of the NP have incredible histories, incredible nature and are very relaxing. Just outside the NP you can often find more things to do to add to the activity list. I love the cabins and quiet. I love waking up to the birds and deer. I think you should look at some of those for your parents get-away. There are some really great ones.