Which Is Better, Roblox Or Blockland? To Build NEW Stuff, Try Roblox, To

Blockland rules and roblox sucks

Omg you all rude blockland you have to pay once and roblox you have to pay for builders club, robux and clothes!
go roblox!!!

roblox is way better then block land because you can play online for free build stuff for free and buy stuff with the free account and block land you have to BUY it to play online so i think roblox is better then block land
blockland rules AND ROBLOX SUCKS

They're right, roblox has more possibilities. In blockland, you gotta pay 20 bux, and then you can only use premade weps. In roblox, you can make any weapon you can think of. Want a death plasma ray with extra sniper attatchments? done.
your idiot. roblox sucks. blockland rules. you only pay 20$! in roblox you pay for BC, TBC, AND OBC. so shut up.
Roblox pwns blockland's a$$

Wow people... Roblox does NOT have viruses your computer just sucks... The admins are NOT corrupt... In roblox YOU CAN ACTUALLY SCRIPT... I downloaded blockland first and i WAS a blockland person... THen i heard of roblox and For 7 Dollars a month BC is WAY better... Even if it costs more
The current version of ROBLOX beats Blocklands hide up down and back and forth!
Its amazing how many updates they have done and have topped blockland 10 to 1!
The physics have been MAJORLY improved as well as the graphics!
They're still working on the lag. There is still a little chance of lag but not much....
Unless your PC uberly sux!
Plus Blockland has basicly No sociality at all.. ROBLOX has facebook capibilitys!
I majorly go with ROBLOX! Give it a try!
Roblox kicks a**

Dude roblox is better you noobs and besides i never had a virus from it and, i have been playing it for 2 years. you can even make your own car our your own weapon and play on zombie maps with tycoons. whoever loves blockland is a big very fat bitch!

blockland is a ripoff 20 dollors just to play?!?! in one full year you have to pay 300 bucks so yep roblox is better
Roblox Sucks

Dude roblox is better you noobs and besides i never had a virus from it and, i have been playing it for 2 years. you can even make your own car our your own weapon and play on zombie maps with tycoons. whoever loves blockland is a big very fat bitch!

blockland is a ripoff 20 dollors just to play?!?! in one full year you have to pay 300 bucks so yep roblox is better

...DUDE Its a 20 doller fee ONCE! Not Every month/year!
Suck it blockland

ROBLOX MAKES ME DIE BECAUSE IT'S THE BEST ONE!!!!!! but i do get most problems from it.
i have seen this war and i thought LOLOLOLOL i cant believe this you guys are fighting over ONLINE GAMES like its a region or a gang war iv even seen threats that say that "if you don't join roblox we will spam you" oh come on
yes i know that roblox has is glitches like you cant shoot a rocket launcher in a car or you will die but one roblox fan posted that roblox has better graphics R THEY BLINED!!!! block land has better grapics but the cars and buildings don't destroy as well like roblox and if your really shhot a car it blows up like a regular car and i don't know if robloxtians can do basic math or not but you have to pay like $300 for a life time of builders club and last time i ceaked 20 is less than 300 dont get me wrong roblox is fun too I dont konw if you can turn into a zombie in block land to do a reson to die game and the game is made more by players so there r tones of game to play from yes i know roblox has it's glitches but it's fun too yes there are hackers but they are rare blocklnad has a more detailed environment and so far looks good but roblox you can destroy things better what gets at me the most is that censor that they have when you talk about blokland at roblox oh come i know that you might lose fans but really thats too far so what im saying is



Wow people... Roblox does NOT have viruses your computer just sucks... The admins are NOT corrupt... In roblox YOU CAN ACTUALLY SCRIPT... I downloaded blockland first and i WAS a blockland person... THen i heard of roblox and For 7 Dollars a month BC is WAY better... Even if it costs more
because you dont know how to download weps from RTB
PLEASE STFU about the war

Wow people... Roblox does NOT have viruses your computer just sucks... The admins are NOT corrupt... In roblox YOU CAN ACTUALLY SCRIPT... I downloaded blockland first and i WAS a blockland person... THen i heard of roblox and For 7 Dollars a month BC is WAY better... Even if it costs more
yea you can its called EVENTS in blockland
AND STFU about the WAR
Blockland 4 ever!

personally i think that blockland is better. why? well roblox is great for like 5 year olds but blockland is a little more ... im not sure how to put this but, the structures are better and there are great graphics. Roblox is just like walking poop. plus there are like a thousand glitches in roblox. i cannot believe they made they game like that. but that is my opinion, dont go saying u hate me just cause i dislike roblox.
ROBLOX vs. Block Land

OK I play both BL and Roblox and I like roblox better because it is just 1 simple download and it realy does have more things to do such as making orginised clans having battles building stuff scripting making vehicals etc. I give blockland points for graphics and combat because it is very fun to shoot up noobs with a pistol that does not fire blocks and makes your victum bleed >:D. Roblox still has simpler controls and a safer website.

All of you are stupid. You can make your own weapons and vehicles and bricks in blockland, you just don't know how. Also, Yes, I'd rather have a guns that are blocks that shoot blocks, and a rocket launcher with a rocket so slow, I can run into it and blow myself up.

Also, it's quite ironic how most of you complain that blockland costs 20 dollars.

This is the real world, nothing is free, and it is also quite ironic how you have to pay 300$ for a few shitty account bonuses.

no its not 300$ u dumb ass
Blockland sux roblox rules


because you dont know how to download weps from RTB
PLEASE STFU about the war

yea you can its called EVENTS in blockland
AND STFU about the WAR


Roblox is for cunts

4 Reasons why

1: People in Blockland are more mature then the ones in roblox who say "Noob" when you kill them

2:Better Graphics

3:Scripting is somewhat better then roblox

i agree

Roblox is for cunts

4 Reasons why

1: People in Blockland are more mature then the ones in roblox who say "Noob" when you kill them

2:Better Graphics

3:Scripting is somewhat better then roblox


THAN YOU! finnaly someone who understands it all. you rock.

your idiot. roblox sucks. blockland rules. you only pay 20$! in roblox you pay for BC, TBC, AND OBC. so shut up.

yes you do, but roblox has a normal membership such as club penguin, wizard 101, fusion fall, and many others. blockland does not which means it's not normal which means it sux
End this now.

Okay, I've played both and both have their ups and downs. SO stop disgracing yourselves and listen.
Blockland wins in:
-Better Graphics.
-Less glitches/crashes.
-Maturity of players.
-Mostly better physics.
-More meaningful updates.
ROBLOX wins in:
-Much more customization(weapons, character, etc.).
-Scripting capability.
-Social aspect(groups, messages, etc.).
-Free, unless you want to buy an optional premium membership.
-Easier download.

The admins of ROBLOX are not corrupt, they simply believe that, now that ROBLOX is a five-year-old project, they can stop overhauling the physics every other day. In turn, Blockland is not some overpriced pile of... it's only $20. Okay? Now...


I would have to say roblox becuz its free you get to make better weapons and clothes and the demo is much better the only problem is spam teamkills and lag

blockland on the other hand costs 20 bucks and the demo sucks because you cant play with other ppl and you hav only 150 bricks

ROBLOX RULES!!!!!!!!!!