Who views North Korea positively?


New member
Feb 2, 2009
In this recent study of 13,000 international respondents, 20% said they viewed North Korea "Mainly Positive" and less than half said they viewed North Korea "Mainly Negative".

I'm really curious to find out what people find so acceptable about this disaster of a nation - held hostage by one man and living through yet another unimaginable famine.
Yeah, I'm thinking it has to be ignorance as well. I'm not sure what kind of a person would be okay with a country where not only you, but also your whole extended family, go to a concentration camp for life if you are disloyal to the Great Leader.
Forgot to link to the study:

North Korea is a communist dictatorship ruled by Kim Jong-Il who took over from his father when he died.

The country is a 'basket case' with starvation one of the major problems.

Kim Jong-Il is revered by his followers just like the King of Thailand is revered by the Thai people.

In the case of North Korea the population has known nothing else but rule by a dictator and are kept from accessing any western TV or media to ensure that they don't find out about democracy.

Unfortunately most of the resources are spent on developing nuclear weapons and long range rockets instead of feeding the population.

Not a lot is known about the real inside of North Korea as travel is very limited.
So that's 49% to 20%. Well since at least 20% are ignorant in this world, I'd say that's about right.