Who would be interested in purchasing custom daily nutritional supplements...


New member
Nov 8, 2011
...based off of a private lab test? Lab test elegantly designed by top researchers and functional lab in the country.
Before now this level of customized lab based was only accessible to world class athletes and the wealthy.
By using lab tests, evaluating specific biomarkers for health, a person's health is proactively addressed.
The objectivity of testing, eliminates the guessing and confusion about buying and using supplements.
The product has 50+ nutrients (evidence based in peer reviewed research findings), far more than any over the counter product.
By having targeted daily nutritional supplements and others based upon lab testing to identify physiological need, people can save over $100/month compared to trying to piecemeal a supplementation program from stores.
Furthermore, due to functional lab testing, an individual can retest themselves periodically to identify progression toward greater health, on-going need for a supplement or problems which should be evaluated by a physician.
Some physicians are beginning to practice, "Functional Medicine," using such tests to aid in, "treating the cause," versus the symptoms.