Why are people so "depressed" nowadays? Is it a trend? A way to screw over

It is due to our cramped work environment and the fact that until now doctors didn't diagnose it. Also due to advertising people begin to believe they are depressed when they really aren't
I think a lot of people really are depressed, but it doesn't take a genius to see that way too many people are slapped the good old "depressed" label and shipped down the line. Just take one look into the mental health section. Oh, you've cried before in your life? Must be depressed. You're lazy and don't have motivation to do work? Depression definitely. Someone gives a long list of all their problems in their life and how do the people respond? "You're depressed, see a psychiatrist." No insight, no coping methods, no words of wisdom, just go here, get some drugs and feel better.

It's sort of ridiculous. Like anything, I think it can be used as an excuse for when things go wrong or to not try. Surprise surprise, life is tough. Real tough. And even though I'm sure you're a unique individual, everyone gets sad sometimes. Everyone. You aren't the first and definitely not the last person to feel what you're feeling.

Who knows, really? Maybe it's something like a self-fufilling prophecy. Maybe it's society's unachievable expectations. Maybe it's just life. And whether you have a label or not you have to live with it. I'm all for helping people, but I don't necessarily think shoving pills down the masses throats is going to create happiness. Yeah, some people need it. But there's also a lot of other things you can do.
I don't know. Maybe I'm biased. In fact I most definitely am. But that's just my opinion, anyways.