Why are wasting your lives arguing in this section if were all gonna die?


May 14, 2008
I stumbled on this section, so why cant you shut up, live your lives and stop wasting it here? Because were all gonna die so we'll see who is right. I dont care about freedom of speech, if so how come the president dosent say "Hey China and North korea you suck and i dare you to nuke us because were the USA and were awesome." Honestly, just stop wasting your meaningless lives here, cause i'm not. To the athiests.... U mad bro? if not how about you use your science and do some good, instead of being foolish and wasting your time because we have something in common..... were stubborn and want to downgrade everyone who dosent think like we do.... Just shut up and see what happens... Either you disprove us (not likely) or judgememt comes and you will see God with your own eyes when you are judged. Cya I'm out. (Here comes the angry trolls.)
@ dark how am i wasting my life? I'm not here every day arguing, like some regulars, and its funny when people go what a kid, when they dont even know me, Ha how pathetic that angry people start ranting when I had no emotion of anger when i wrote this, it was simply a question.
Everyone is going to die, you age dont you? and the 11% is the fact that i dont spend barely any time here.
You have an 11% best answer rating. Looks like U need to stop giving moronic answers.

This sounds distinctly like the VERY OLD 'why do I come here?' question.

****************************Apply what pertains to you ;) **********************

This gets asked so often I prepared a list - what do you think of it ?

1. *drink*
2. Cos we can.
3. For teh LuLz.
4. How about ‘know thy enemy’?
5. I find religion totally fascinating…
6. And, I find the followers even more so.
7. AND, cheap points are nothing to scoff at, huh?
8. No one does boolshit quite like Benny and the gang.
9. Who else would answer all the questions aimed at atheists?
10. Religion permeates all of our lives whether we like it or not.
11. A-theism is NOT a religion but it IS a valid religious position.
12. The cats banned us from their section... cos we aren't cats(get it?).
13. Coming here, always makes me feel smarter-saner than I really am.
14. IF rational arguments worked on religious people there’d be no religious people.
15. I'm thinking... hang on a mo'.
16. Cos religion is the enemy of reason – it’s not harmless, innocent, blameless, sunshine and goodness – we can NOT ignore atrocities committed daily in the name of invisible sky guys.
17. Kid, if you and your people didn't go to such extraordinary lengths to try to convince me and my people that all that imaginary little space chappie stuff wasn't any more than primitive superstition, you and your people would probably never hear from me and my people.
18. I come here to study the effects religious memes have on the minds they inhabit-control – it’s like a meme zoo.
19. George H.W. Bush: No, I don't know that Atheists should be considered as citizens, nor should they be considered as patriots. This is one nation under God.
Hey, remember when Atheists kept quiet and allowed religion to control everything and spout un-rebutted propaganda? I think it was called the Dark Ages.