why do christians exist when they learn christ did not fulfill the old...


New member
Oct 19, 2011
...testament prophecies ? http://www.simpletoremember.com/articles/a/jewsandjesus/
Christian history is more pagan than Jewish anyways. The Jewish thing is just used to give legitimacy to another pagan faith.
Because they try to dismiss it as "jesus will do it in the second coming" even though in Judaism, the messiah will have no second coming.
I love how Christians spout out bible verses that have nothing to do with the subject matter. Good job Jon proving that you are are an idiot.
It doesn't matter what your little web addresses say. You are calling Christ a liar. And placing yourself in a higher authority than the word of God. It isn't very impressive.
The messianic prophecies. They will be fulfilled at Christs return. That is why they are still looking for a Messiah and did not acknowledge Jesus Christ as the sacrifice for mans sin.