Why do I feel guilty by exploring another religion?


Jun 21, 2008
I am christian and I am going to explore Baptist. I want to feel closer to god and I have not felt close to him since I was in 7th grade (5 yrs ago) I want to explore baptist but I am afraid if I might change my religion I will hurt God's feelings and i dont want to do that. I mean i went through alot with being a christian. I got baptized, made my communion and made my confirmation. I dont want to throw that away
Will god be hurt if i change my religion to baptist? I feel guilty
and do u think it is wrong?
try pentecostal....my church is amazing :) my brother and sisters in Christ are awsome. Our walk with Christ is tight. The presence of God is always near.
It's not another religion, it's another denomination. It's not like you're denying Christ, you're just exploring other paths to him.
Not at all. God is happy that you believe in Him and that you are diligently seeking Him. I was raised Lutheran. I became an Atheist. Then I got saved at a Baptist Church. Then I got filled with the Holy Ghost at a Pentecostal Church and now I attend a Nondenominational Church. Each one offers something. May you find that relationship with God that fulfills you.
Don't worry about it as long as you obey the words of GOD and not what men say about them,then your fine.Just remember 1Peter 3:21 "Whereunto even babtism doth also now save us (not the putting away of the filth of the flesh(sin), but the answer of a good concience toward GOD. "kjv