Why do religions in general feel the need to attack each other?


Apr 4, 2008
better? haha...

I guess I said atheists in my other question because I as a Christian have experienced attacks from atheists the most. but some people brought up a good point, Christians attack other religions and so on.

so my question is WHY must people put down others for thier beliefs? IMO, if I want to believe in God I should be able to, it's not hurting anyone else and it makes me happy. If you want to believe in nothing, then so be it, it's absolutely NONE of my business.

and for those of you who put me down in your answers, again you are VERY narrow minded and hypocritical. I am Christian, but I respect others beliefs and would appreciate the same. I love learning about other religions, I have friends who have very different beliefs than mine and I never tried to convert any of them and the only time I would is if they ASKED for help finding God. so please... keep your rude comments to yourself or they'll be reported.
I'm actually getting answers to this question instead of people putting me down because I'm a Christian, insane!

I appreciate the input. it's a serious question and I never understood why people can't just respect each other.
Well, some Christians are good at generalising against minority groups. Like this one, for example; http://au.answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=AgTJeONOIgqZbzCEUMVk4Hbg5gt.;_ylv=3?qid=20090319212231AAVEdJ3
Fear: Lebanon, Palestine, several other Arab countries. Take your pick.
Left: I believe that it is 1/500.
Because no one can wrap their mind around the possibity that they are wrong. What YOU think is right mat differ from someone else. There can be only one right answer, yet there are countless solutions. This simply means everyone will attack everyone of another opinion to reasure themselves of their own opinion.

Simple eh? I say no god you say yes god. Someone is wrong...
haha its true...jews never attack anyone! i just noticed that haha

as a christian i never attack anyone...i like learning about other peoples beliefs i think its cool. im firm in mine, though.

the first bible was the Torah (aka old testament)
and then came the new testament and the Koran

the Torah and the new testament contradict each other in ways you won't believe.
and the Koran and the Torah both talk about Abraham, yet they have both have different versions of the story.
All three of them claim to have the same Gd
they fight because they're angry other people don't see Gd their way.
do you know how many christians attacked me and told me i'm going to hell because i dont accept jesus? because i'm a jew? they tell me i'm denying Gd.
in my bible it says that we don't need anyone to "save" us, we can "save" ourselves. the entire religion is based off of the concept of "doing teshuva" which means repentance. that's why we have Yom Kippur. i go to heaven if i do what i can to the best of my ability, not if i accept jesus. jesus didnt even exist when the Torah was given.
but this makes people so angry. they think they can see so well because of their holy spirit. and theyre angry that they accepted my bible and yet they do nothing it says in it.
so what!? if thats what you believe, so be it! go accept your jesus! go to heaven!
do you get it?
they cant stand the fact that other people exist with difference of opinion.
my personal motto: live and let live.
ps, if i sounded like i was bashing you i'm sorry, but ive taken a lot of heat from christians and this is what i've gotten from it
People join religions BECAUSE they want to be right.

People in general suck, and they want to hurt each other. We've always had war and fighting, ever since the first humans existed.

So take crappy people, and give them the power of being totally and completely without fault or error (my religion Can't possibly be wrong, so yours must be!) and those same crappy people will now feel justified in attacking, killing, raping....

the world would be a better place without religion.
insecure. because deep down in their hearts they really know religions are silly, but lack the integrity to admit it . so they knock others down
I guess because religion, or a lack of religion, is a very personal belief, and no one wants their beliefs to be wrong or to be questioned, especially a belief that you grew up with.
I'd say that people in general feel the need to attack each other. We find something, be it a belief set, political view, favorite way to cook eggs, and then we pick up clubs and try to beat it into each others heads.

Also, this is the internet. It's purpose is to spread bawww and hurrr.
Religions need strong opposition in order to survive.
Christianity would never have survived without persecutions.
It's the principle of action/reaction: Every action, needs an equal and opposite reaction
Ha well i think ppl like that are insecure, and they aren't comfortable with their own religious beliefs (or lack thereof)

Athiests just like to annoy us.

And everyone's always like "ohh im right, you're not, blahh" it's really just the uppity people and the fussy people. Sometimes they just wanna piss you off too :/

And all the athiests r gonna give me like 38 thumbs down for saying that, but it's my opinion (as many times as yall have shoved yours' in ppl's faces). get over it :D
Because religions hold great power!!! The people look at them with fear, answers, safety
Religions hold great wealth!!!! If they make 10% of people's incomes, well.....look at the Catholic church!!!
Religions are very powerful!!! They force people into doing things out of fear of eternal life. What a great tactic to make people go to war! Fight for God!! You will die a martyr!!
All organized religion is not from God, but has "an appearance" of Godly righteousness. Organized religions are manmade to "control the masses" and mislead the weak for greedy purposes and those of a cultish nature. They are cults and don't even realize this.

What will matter at Armageddon and even now is our personal relationship with God and how our conduct is adjusted to his standards; not our own imperfect ways.

The premise that every religion thinks theirs is "RIGHT" means that other religions are spreading blasphemy and spitting in the face of 'THEIR GOD'
So all non believers (of their particular strain of mind control) are evil and should be destroyed.
BELIEVE IN """ME""" OR THOU SHALT DIE....quick translation...if you aren't with me you are against me and are evil.

Ironic that even believers tend to die...maybe no-one has picked the right religion.....yet.