Why do we argue and hate over Religion, race, nationality and politics?


New member
Sep 21, 2011
We are Humans, The Race that conquered Land, Air, and Water. Only species on Earth to go to the FREAKING MOON! and return home to tell about it. We've done so much and can do anything if we'd all come together. Yeah the Earth is getting "Destroyed" by green house gases but the dirt bag liberals who say that are also the ones supporting the war. Well maybe if more people would Toss in and become interested in Research and development of things other then War, and weapons maybe we could solve that problem. We can do so much... But don't. Its stupid to spend ALL that money on war and not do a thing to stop it. That money could go to Nasa and Green science researched and Engineers Imagine how far ahead we would be if all those billions and millions of was going to better causes? Why must we fight? :(
It's been going on i guess since the world has been here...but media..they won't stfu...keep tlkng shitt and most ppl get brainwashed and .......... :p
If you think about it long enough, you find the corporations are the source of modern troubles.
High tax rate? Corporations don't pay tax. Greenhouse gasses? Corporations are cheap. Corrupt government? Corporate sponsoring. The list goes on and on. What can we do about it? Not much individually.