Why does my Sony Ericsson W205 cause a BLUE SCREEN OF DEATH On Any Desktop Computer?


New member
Oct 16, 2010
Everytime I connect the USB lead from the phone to any desktop computer, i press the file transfer button on the phone as usual for the computer to start showing up the files from the phone and memory card. All of a sudden, last week out of the blue my McAfee virus scan detected and removed a PWS Gamania virus from my phone so i then a run a full scan for my memory card/phone and then suddenly a BSOD appeared! I used to have some downloaded games from the computer onto my phone but i dont think that is the source of the BSOD as i have deleted them and the BSOD still came. I deleted any bluetoothed music as they may be the virus and theyre still not the source of the problem as it came again! Once a couple of minutes go by, or i start to copy something from the memory card inside the phone or the phone itself to the computer, a BSOD appears leading me to restart my computer and disconnect the phone!! This never used to happen before as normally all i do is exhange clean photos from my phone to my computer and exchange clean music. Shall I get a new memory card? What shall I do please help!!
it happens due to some hardware malfunction it might be ur RAM, Graphic Card surely try replacing it
and format ur computer install a new copy of genuine windows