Why doesn't Rush do any fact checking before he starts to rant like an idiot?

Lol, you know how many researches work for that man?

Yeah, he's a self-made millionaire and Capitalist, he actually has people work for him.


P.S. It's humorous that this is the best you have against Rush.
Have you ever been to his website where they annotate his daily shows? If so, you will notice there are sources where the information came from at the bottom of each topic. Learn something and research for yourself.
Let's see!
In the very first paragraph they said he is CORRECT!!!
Then they goes on to say that one part he's had some parts right and some wrong!!
That's a better job of research than any 10 liberals/democrats do at any given time!!
This I am 100% CORRECT!!!!!
You Liberals are pathetic. Have you listened to the lies spewed by MSNBC lately?
Because he is a douchebag.

If something serves his purpose then he does not fact check.... he's like a fifth grader who gets excited when he hears a rumor that a teacher shit his pants at lunch. He runs with it and can't wait to tell everyone in the world... then it turns out that the teacher wasn't even in school that day.
Oh the humanity! He was wrong about a man killing a bear! When should we schedule the hara kiri?

Now, would you care to discuss Dan Rather's little slip up or Michael Moore's falsehood per minute record in fahrenheit 911?
Is this the best you guys can do? I know it is...You are finished as a party for the foreseeable future and you're a bunch of losers...
Oh no, he didnt get his facts straight about the judge being a taxadermist!!!! oh no!!!! what shall we do!!! wont we please think of the children!!!