Why is it? That Atheists Lose Their Courage to Rant on Muslims About Their Beliefs?


New member
Sep 23, 2011
You all love to hate on Christians,yet lose your backbone to tell Muslims down at a mosque that you have all these freedoms from religion,and God/Allah doesn't exist. Yes they won't be so tolerant of your garbage and remove your head from your body.
I'm american. In America christian, not muslim fundamentalism, is the biggest threat to secular freedoms. Not islam. If Islam becomes a huge threat to freedom in the US I promise to speak out against that also. But so far Muslims in he US can't even build places of worship on property they Own! So it's not like they have enough political power to threaten secular America.
I wouldn't go to a church to tell people there that god doesn't exist, either.

it's not fear, it's RESPECT.
Their boilerplate answer is that Muslims didn't push Prop 8. Muslims aren't pushing ID in the classroom. Muslims aren't stopping the boys and girls from marrying each other.

You'd think there was this jack-boot of religious oppression on the average US atheist's neck.

I imagine the gay marriage thing is a bit of a pisser, but, really. Their hatred of Christianity is so acute, they're almost apologists for other faiths.
Are you kidding me? There are tons of sites that debunk the Koran that are by Atheists. You can find stuff on youtube by atheists that do the same...Obviously there are a lot more stuff on christianity here in the USA since the majority of the people here are Christian, so it's more relevant.
Say what? Seriously what are you talking about? I have no idea.
You must be some rare species of moron.
I'll do it. Find me a US mosque (if the conservative WHRRGARBL hasn't tried to take them all down yet). I'll speak to muslims the same way I speak to Christians.

I think you believe people like me are afraid because YOU would be afraid to speak to someone that way. I don't live my life in fear.
Please..show me one instance where atheists have gone to a church and protested...

NO? didn't think so...

I also can't think of a single instance where any atheist of my acquaintance has tried to bash me for my beliefs..and I know several.

However I can think of several instances where christians have tried to bash me for my beliefs..seems if you don't buy into their notion that Jesus was the son of God..then it doesn't matter to them whether you believe in god or not..

I will go with Ghandi on this one "I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your
Christians are so unlike your Christ."
Christians are taught to turn the other cheek.

I think they despise the strength