Will Xbox ever have an HD DVD drive!?!?


New member
Jun 7, 2008
What's the deal!?!? Why the crap can't microsoft throw in an HD dvd drive!?!? HOW HARD CAN IT BE!?!?
PS: when I sed High Deff...I meant Blu-ray
the xbox 360 did as a assessory but hd dvd is no longer a supported format in the us and most of the world except china and not for long. blu ray is where it is
A.You become CEO of microsoft, then go through all the legal shit with sony, lose the case, then go nowhere. I dare you to.

B. Le all consumers dish out an extra $200 dollars therefore losing a ton of sales because of a blueray player that most gamers don't even ask for.

Jeez, can't people think sometimes. It's not as easy as snapping your fingers and everythings done. If you want to get this done, then go try. I bet you'll give up or fail. If your just going to rant about stuff, that in an economical perspective would just be flat out stupid, then shut up. No one wants to hear it