World Trade Center 9-11-01. Japan 3-10-11. add the days together, the months...


New member
Mar 12, 2011
...together, and the years...? tee hee
at "comicbook reader" yes, in JAPAN it happened at 2:46pm, but over in the US we heard about it at around 11:00pm, therefore it happened on the 10th for the US
3/11/04 Madrid terrorist attacks
Totally unrelated to the 3/11/11 Japanese quake; I hope....
I remember they almost blamed the Basques.......
But yes, the people in the US learned about the quake on the day before it happened in Japan.... sort of.
So I guess you are saying 12/21/12. Whatever that may signify, it's okay with me.
Nothing happened on the 10th in Japan. It was just a normal day for them.
If you are talking about the earthquake re-check your facts. It happened on the 11th for them.

And you know what? there have been plenty of other natural disasters before the one in Japan and since 9/11. So this is just someone trying to scare people.
9/11 and the earthquake in Japan are not related at all! 9/11 was a horrible thing that no one could even fathom really happening when it did and the earthquake in Japan is a natural disaster!
Nothing happened on the 10th in Japan. It was just a normal day for them.
If you are talking about the earthquake re-check your facts. It happened on the 11th for them.

And you know what? there have been plenty of other natural disasters before the one in Japan and since 9/11. So this is just someone trying to scare people.
9/11 and the earthquake in Japan are not related at all! 9/11 was a horrible thing that no one could even fathom really happening when it did and the earthquake in Japan is a natural disaster!