Would you let your teen go on a week long cruise with his gf and her Family?


May 11, 2008
My son is 17 and has been with the girl for 5 years. And well they will both be attending the same college next year and her family is going on a cruise come Spring break and they want my son to go along they are going to pay for it and her parents will be in a room with my son and his gf in another. I am hesitant to let him go but at the same time my husband thinks i should because if he hasn't had sex with her yet then he is probably waiting anyways and he knows everything about safe sex because my husband and i have both given him talks. Just unsure. Would you let him go? Should i? Advice?
Yes I would let him go. He has been invited, he will have adult supervision and he would love it. We have taken our teen aged daughters boyfriend on a family camping trip.
I would not. It's inappropriate for your minor son to be taking family vacations with his girlfriend. You set them up thinking of themselves as a family unit and the next thing you her parents are gonna be parents all over again. I know you're thinking he's a good kid and I'm sure he is but it's about the mindset and he's not yet fully cooked.
Hell to the No.

I don't care how long he has been with her and i don't care if her parents are paying for it do they want a grandchild, DO YOU WANT A GRANDCHILD?

Just tell them Nicely that he has prior Engagements.
Yes I would let him go. He has been invited, he will have adult supervision and he would love it. We have taken our teen aged daughters boyfriend on a family camping trip.
I would and I would buy him a box of condoms. I know that sounds kind of bad of a mom but you can't stop teens from having sex but you can do something to protect them. If they have them handy they will use them but if they don't I doubt they will go out and get them.
he'll be 18 or nearly 18. i think you should let him go, he'll only do anything if hes comfy, and its not like hes a little kid anymore. you should follow the advise of your husband, and if they're paying, thats great.
5 years, he's had sex. I would say no because until he's 18, i wouldn't condone it. By spring break he would be 18 and he would go anyways and call me to tell me he's gone.
I don't know. It would depend on how much I trusted my son, his girlfriend, and her parents. What are their standards/morals like? What expectations will they have of their daughter's behavior and your son's behavior? How likely are they to chaperone adequately?

When I was 18 I went on a trip with my boyfriend and his parents. Just the four of us. Every stop we made they rented two hotel rooms--one for me and one for them. His parents gave him a curfew each night and we weren't allowed alone in the room at all. We pretty much stayed together, all four of us, the whole time except at night when I retired to my room and he to his. My parents knew they could trust me, they could trust him and they could trust his parents or they never would have let me go, even though I was 18. However, earlier in the summer my friends all went and stayed on a houseboat for one week. There was a set of parents there, but my parents didn't like the idea and would not let me go. My boyfriend's parents also didn't let him go. They (our parents) came up with this trip as sort of an apology for not letting us go on the houseboat.

We were both raised with a strong sense of family and obedience to parents, as well as strict moral standards. I didn't end up staying with this guy, but I'm glad that we handled things the way we did.

So I don't know. It would really just depend on how I felt, deep down about it. And how my husband felt.
As long as your sure the parents are going to stick to the rooming arrangements, I would say okay, if only for the sake of not causing your son to hate you for it later. It's not a matter of being the "cool parent", this is a matter of trust, and if you don't show it to your son, then he's not going to bother earning your trust or confiding in you about things in the future.

It sounds hard even to me right now (I'm pregnant with our first), but my in-laws believed that if you treat your children like adults, they'll act like adults. And my husband and all his sisters turned out to be fine, responsible adults.

When I was a kid, my mom let my brother's girlfriend come on almost all the family vacations with us. She liked us, and we liked her, and we were treating her as a member of the family.