Yes/no Would u date or have sex w/ a person who is in another relationship? Do...


May 16, 2008
...u think it's wrong? Would you date or have sex with someone if you know they were dating someone else?

Do you think it's wrong to be with someone who is in a relationship with someone else?
I want the man to be mine and all mine, none of this sharing stuff... so, no thanks. If he's taken, she can have him, just don't touch what's mine.

Cheers =)
no because if she or he wants u and u want them what wrong with that just don't get cought
I had sex with someone who was dating someone else. I think it is very wrong because I wouldn't like someone cheating on me. I didn't know this guy was dating another girl, though. I regret it.
No way. I would only have sex with someone I am in a long term relationship with anyway. No casual sex for me. Especially not with some other guys skank of a girlfriend.